Elephant Facts: Qualities of an Elephant and The Moral Lessons for Children – Elephant Children’s Book

Elephant Facts: Qualities of an Elephant and The Moral Lessons for Children – Elephant Kids’ Book
Physical Characteristics The African elephant is the largest living land mammal, one of the most impressive animals on earth.
An elephant personality is a person whose deliberate movements exude confidence and calm in all aspects of his or her life. While maybe not the king of the animal world, it is surely a member of the royal family. With an imposing physical presence and kind, spiritual demeanor, it moves easily through life where few barriers can hold it back.
There’s a touch of cool in the stoic elephant that’s appealing and reassuring and, in all probability, this composure stems from the knowledge that they have no natural enemies; even the lion and crocodile personalities pay homage by giving them a respectful berth. Only the unpredictable tiger has been known to trigger any semblance of anxiety in this otherwise fearless animal.
Elephants are the largest living land animal. All elephants have a communal society that requires an intricate communication system, and a little-known facet of elephant behavior is that they purr.
Generally slow to anger, they can sometimes exhibit a violent temper and use their powerful personality to humble and drive off unwanted intruders. Active during day and night, elephants take naps whenever the urge strikes.
The strength of the elephant would seem to be many physically defining characteristics. At eight to thirteen feet tall, and 5,000 to 14,000 lbs., she is noticeable. But the gift of the seven personality characteristics, is what helps her live up to an incredible seventy years old. And still endure — even though these creatures have long been an endangered species.
African elephants are the largest land mammals on the earth, ranging from 10 to 13 feet in height and weighing between 11,000 to 15,400 pounds! The legend of elephants’ intelligence and excellent memory goes along with the title of having the largest brains.
Despite their great size, elephants are known to be gentle creatures.
Elephants are good listeners, but not because of their infamously huge ears; elephants can use their feet to listen, picking up rumblings and vibrations in the ground
It is a mystery how elephants communicate with one another and share information. Successful matriarch earns respect through her wisdom and ability to connect with other elephants and overcome the challenge of her authority which may at times, come from younger elephants. Matriarchs are the final decision-maker: they are open to suggestions of others even when faced with critical matters and times of crisis.
Patience is one of the main attributes of elephant leaders. Although its size does not equal its speed, the elephant relies on consciousness and patience to meet its needs. Patience makes it easier for the elephant leader to think things through and respond to all situations in a calm and confident manner.
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